Poll: Local reasons to fore for supporting Independents

Top of wish list is that local candidate works in area and concentrates on regional issues

Just 5% of Independent voters mentioned anti-austerity or water charges as motivating their choice, while 2% said they were socialists

Most of the current high level of support for Independents is based on local factors or distrust of established political parties, according to the latest Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll.

When the voters who said they would support Independents or smaller parties were asked why, a variety of reasons were given, but top of the list was that a local candidate was working in the area and focused on local issues.


Some 31 per cent of Independent voters cited the local factor and another 14 per cent said the local Independent candidate was known to them personally. Distrust of the mainstream parties was cited by 26 per cent of voters, while 16 per cent cited independence from political parties as their reason.


Next on the list was a liking for what Independents or smaller parties stand for at 14 per cent, followed by support for political reform at 13 per cent.

Just 5 per cent of Independent voters mentioned anti-austerity or water charges as motivating their choice, while 2 per cent said they were socialists.

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times