Voices In The House

Charlie McCreevy made his name and was lauded from a height for having courage, for speaking out when others were silent..

Charlie McCreevy made his name and was lauded from a height for having courage, for speaking out when others were silent . . . Suddenly he has rolled over now and he is being scratched on his tummy by being in government . . .

- Ms Nora Owen (FG) on the Minister for Finance's rejection of an opposition motion to include an investigation of the Ansbacher accounts in the Moriarty tribunal.

The present enthusiasm of the opposition for tribunals of inquiry is touching. It is stark contrast to their attitude when they were in government.

- Mr Des O'Malley (PD)


A light has been shone on the activities of some of the most wealthy and privileged people in our society. That light should be kept there and the full truth exposed. The full investigation of the Ansbacher affair is the very least that is now required.

- Mr Caomhghin O Caolain (SF, Cavan-Monaghan).