No dead certs for convention service

THERE COULD be all sorts of problems getting this constitutional convention up and running.

THERE COULD be all sorts of problems getting this constitutional convention up and running.

Tipperary’s Mattie McGrath is most concerned.

He explained why during Wednesday’s debate on the Bill to amend the Electoral Act so that information from the register of voters can be used to select members of the public to take part in the convention.

“In my county recently, a deceased 99-year-old woman was called for jury duty. How will such incidents be avoided? . . . When a complaint was made regarding the selection of the deceased woman, the person making the complaint had the head eaten off her by an official. She got on to me and when I inquired about it, I got the head eaten off me by a very hostile public official. I had to get her supervisor to come back and apologise to me for her behaviour.


“In fairness, the supervisor addressed my issues and also telephoned the family of the dead woman and apologised . . . but how will we avoid such things happening in selecting people for the convention? Some of the 66 people selected may have emigrated or be deceased. We need to be careful about how this is done.”

Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan rushed to assure Mattie. “Only those people who are alive and . . . respond to the letter will be able to confirm their participation in the convention.”

That’s a relief.