Officer for Harney to get 40 Ansbacher files as IIB drops its case

Further extensive files on the Ansbacher deposits are to be handed over today to the officer appointed by the Tanaiste, Ms Harney…

Further extensive files on the Ansbacher deposits are to be handed over today to the officer appointed by the Tanaiste, Ms Harney, to investigate the accounts. About 40 folders containing the documents are to be given to Mr Gerard Ryan by Irish Intercontinental Bank (IIB).

Guinness & Mahon bank has already handed over files held by it in relation to the deposits.

Mr Michael Collins SC, for IIB, told the High Court yesterday it was withdrawing its application for a judicial review of the appointment of Mr Ryan and his request that the bank give him the documents. The documents would be handed over by the close of business today.

The bank also agreed to co-operate fully with any further requests for documents or for explanations which Mr Ryan may require. Ms Harney's counsel said he was glad any "fetters" to the investigation had been removed.


Ms Harney said she looked forward to Mr Ryan submitting his report to her "as quickly as possible".

Last week, Mr Collins told the court that documents similar to those being sought by the authorised officer were to be furnished to the Moriarty Tribunal by the middle of this week. Mr Ryan, assisted by another accountant in the Department, Mr Peter Fisher, will report to the Minister on any possible breaches of company law he detects from his investigations.

Information from the report can be conveyed to the DPP or the Revenue Commissioners. The information may be disclosed during a relevant court hearing but may not be otherwise published. The Tanaiste can also initiate summary prosecutions on her own behalf in relation to any alleged breaches of company law uncovered.

She may also appoint an inspector under the Companies Act to carry out further investigations into companies connected with the deposits. An inspector has more powers than an authorised officer and any resultant report may be published.

Mr Ryan was appointed by the Minister in September of last year - following publication of the McCracken Report - to investigate Celtic Helicopters Ltd. Follo wing his submission of an interim report to the Tanaiste two weeks ago, Ms Harney requested him to inquire into the operation of the Ansbacher deposits.

The Ansbacher deposits were held by Guinness & Mahon from the 1970s and were transferred to IIB between 1989 and 1991.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent