‘Your man for all seasons’: Ads from the 1960s

A look at a selection of advertisements printed in ‘The Irish Times’ in the 1960s

Decked out in Switzer’s best in the 1960s

Fed up looking at ads? Well here are loads more.

These ads, published in The Irish Times during the 1960s, give a good feel as to how the paper looked day-to-day during that decade. Ads in the 1960s were markedly different to the preceding two decades, which you can also check out here and here. Photographs were in in a much bigger way, as were more sylish illustrations.

Andrews 30_8_60
Biscuits 12_4_60
Depressed 16_3_60
TV 20_9_61
National 20_9_61
Volks 23_1_63
Nylons 29_5_63
Copier 19_5_64
Briefs 16_4_64
Ladder 13_10_65
Smokes 22_12_66
Suits 25_11_66
Whisky 23_11_66
Guinness 18_7_67
Shirts 19_12_67
Clerys 23_9_68
Clio 28_11_68
Gin 28_11_68
Switzerman 16_12_69