US actor Alec Baldwin is getting so good at impersonating the US president Donald Trump, one newspaper thought he was Donald Trump.
El Nacional in the Dominican Republic published an apology on Saturday after mistakenly running a photo of the actor doing his impression of the US president on Saturday Night Live instead of Trump himself.
Accompanying an article in its Friday edition headlined in Spanish, “Trump says settlements in Israel don’t favour peace”, a photo of a scowling Baldwin in a blond wig appears next to a photo of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2016
In a statement on its web site, the newspaper said the photograph of the actor was mistakenly used on page 19 of the newspaper and went unnoticed by staff.
Baldwin served up another mocking impersonation on Saturday night of Trump in his role as guest host of the NBC comedy show.
In the spoof, Baldwin’s President Trump made good on a tweeted vow to “see you in court” directed at the three 9th Circuit federal judges who last week refused to lift a stay preventing his immigration ban from being enforced.
His chosen venue: “The People’s Court,” where he was suing the three judges.
“I’m right, they’re wrong,” President Trump erupted. “I want the travel ban reinstated. I also want 725 dollars.”
Then, as a character witness, he brought in Russian president Vladimir Putin, played by Beck Bennett, who praised Trump as “my little American Happy Meal”.
Baldwin’s appearance on Saturday Night Live was 17th as guest host.
Trump has lashed out at the way Saturday Night Live has lampooned him, saying Baldwin's semi-regular portrayal of him "stinks".