Micky leaks: Read the extremely SECRET emails between Flatley and Trump

Conor Pope imagines how Michael Flatley ended up in Washington

The line up isn’t great is it? It is bad, begorrah

From @RealDonald@trump.com

To Michael@Flatley.com

It’s me. Donald. Look, we are going to have the most BEAUTIFUL INAUGURATION OF ME AS PRESIDENT on Friday. I mean it is going to be the best inauguration ever. Beautiful people have been coming into Washington in tremendous numbers. I am talking about tremendous numbers. Really TREMENDOUS. I am talking about numbers that have never been seen before. Anywhere in the history of the world. And so we have an AWESOME LINE-UP OF PERFORMERS WHO ARE going to perform for me and for all the tremendous people who love me who will be in Washington for me. Everyone loves me. I am just so popular.

From; Michael@Flatley.com


To: @RealDonald@trump.com

Hello from lush green Oirland and top o’ the morning to you. To be sure the Lord of the Dance has not seen you since the Palm Springs Tanning Convention last Fall. Who knew there were so many shades of orange? As many shades of orange as there are green. Right? Is Michael right? Is Michael right? Michael Flatley is always right. I am Michael Flatley. How did you get Michael’s contact details? The world was told Michael Flatley retired two years ago. And the world was listening.

From @RealDonald@trump.com

To Michael@Flatley.com

I spoke to Sean Hannity, which, everyone refuses to call Sean Hannity, I had numerous conversations with Sean Hannity at Fox, and Sean Hannity said, and he called me the other day and he said “You should get Michael Flatley. Get Michael Flatley. Here’s Michael Flatley’s email number. So, I said to Sean Hannity and you can ask him this, I said. I will mail Michael Flatley. And I will tell him, I will say to him, I want you. I want the LORD OF THE DANCE. I want you to dance for me Lord. WILL YOU DANCE FOR ME? IN MY GOLDEN TOWER? Or in Washington after I DRAIN THE SWAMP. #draintheswamp #MAGA

From; Michael@Flatley.com

To: @RealDonald@trump.com

Michael Flatley would love to dance for you Donald. Michael was born to dance. The Lord would so love to dance for you. He so would. But the line up? The line up isn’t great is it? It is bad, begorrah. Nothing bad can be done to damage the brand of Michael Flatley. Michael Flatley wants to protect his brand. To be sure, to be sure.

From @RealDonald@trump.com

To Michael@Flatley.com

Awesome. That is the line-up. Wonderful. Great. The best ever. The mainstream media are lying. Crooked Hillary is lying. Barack Obama is the worst president ever. I am amazing. The best. I am going to be the best president ever and I am going to have the best poll numbers. I am going to make inaugurations great again. #makeinaugurationsgreatagain

From; Michael@Flatley.com

To: @RealDonald@trump.com

Who do you have?

From @RealDonald@trump.com

To Michael@Flatley.com

We have Jackie Evancho. And we have Toby Keith. Toby Keith is just so great. And Jackie. Jackie is so amazing. She made America's Got Talent great again. She is the best contestant ever. And I have Jon Voight. Jon Voight is coming. I love Jon Voight. Everyone loves Jon Voight. He is just so amazing. Such a great actor. Not like washed-up Meryl Streep. OVERRATED. I have 3 Doors Down. Failing Fake News Outlet CNN said 3 Doors Down were not well know. LIE. SO UNFAIR. They had a MASSIVE Number 3 single on the US charts in 2000. THEY ARE THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD. BIGGER THAN THE BEATLES. WHO WERE OVERRATED. Jackie. Toby. Jon. AND MICHAEL.

From; Michael@Flatley.com

To: @RealDonald@trump.com

Michael Flatley feels like a tiger. Michael Flatley is a tiger. And Michael Flatley can dance, dance wherever you may be. But are you popular enough for Michael? Will dancing for you make Michael Flatley even more popular than he already is? Is that possible?

From @RealDonald@trump.com

To Michael@Flatley.com

I am the most popular incoming president ever. The best. The same people who did the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doing approval rating polls. They are rigged just like before. FAKE NEWS.

From; Michael@Flatley.com

To: @RealDonald@trump.com

Michael Flatley is not sure, to be sure.

From @RealDonald@trump.com

To Michael@Flatley.com


From; Michael@Flatley.com

To: @RealDonald@trump.com

I’ll be on the next plane.