Mother in appeal for sons' return

A woman from Cork has appealed for the return of her two sons, abducted last week for a second time by their Greek Cypriot father…

A woman from Cork has appealed for the return of her two sons, abducted last week for a second time by their Greek Cypriot father.

Ms Christine Savvas (33) said the father, Mr Ioannis Savvas (36), disappeared with the boys, Alexandros (4), and Leonidas (2), on January 28th, the night before a Limassol court was due to hand down two rulings on the case. Both went against Mr Savvas.

The court ruled he had unlawfully abducted the boys last July when he refused to return with them to their regular abode in Ireland after a two-week stay on the island. The court granted Ms Savvas permission to take the boys to Cork.

Mr Savvas, who had visitation rights every evening, failed to return the boys to their mother. He left his hiding place to appear on television, claiming he would never see his children again if they went to Ireland.


Ms Savvas told The Irish Times, "I would never keep them from him." His family has refused to disclose the whereabouts of the three, despite the fact a warrant has been issued for Mr Savvas's arrest.

The Irish ambassador to Cyprus, Mr John Swift, "will make contact with the police", she said. Both boys have Irish nationality. Their only passports are Irish and these are in her possession, indicating the boys are still on the island.

An appeals court in Nicosia is scheduled to hear an application tomorrow, filed by Mr Savvas's lawyer, for a stay of execution of the Limassol court's decision to allow Ms Savvas take the boys to Ireland.

Michael Jansen

Michael Jansen

Michael Jansen contributes news from and analysis of the Middle East to The Irish Times