Main points of the DTO plan

Operation Freeflow to run year-round, with £5 million in additional resources made available to the Garda to ensure adequate …

Operation Freeflow to run year-round, with £5 million in additional resources made available to the Garda to ensure adequate enforcement.

All 10 quality bus corridors proposed in the DTI strategy, plus another QBC serving Ballymun, to be put in place within two years.

Peak-hour capacity of Dublin Bus services to be improved by buying 220 new buses and subcontracting school bus runs to the private sector.

Capacity of the suburban rail network to be maximised by the provision of 20 new diesel rail cars and eight two-car sets for DART.


DTI's recommended cycle route network to be completed by providing a further 100km of track and additional parking for bicycles.

No more tax incentives for multi-storey car-parks in the city centre and the provision of a pilot park-and-ride site on the outskirts.

Inner-city orbital routes, such as the proposed Coombe by-pass and Macken Street bridge, to be developed to relieve the city centre.

Development of truck routes for Dublin Port as well as more controls on roadworks, refuse collection and deliveries to minimise disruption.

A comprehensive public information campaign to promote more efficient ways of travel and break the habit of commuting by car.