Left TDs see 'autumn of discontent'

UNITED LEFT Alliance TDs are predicting an “autumn of discontent”, with widespread protests against the Government’s austerity…

UNITED LEFT Alliance TDs are predicting an “autumn of discontent”, with widespread protests against the Government’s austerity measures.

The group meets this weekend to discuss its direction, including plans to step up protests against cutbacks in public services.

The alliance is convening a “national forum” on Saturday, open to opponents of Government policy, with the aim of building a broader-based political alternative. It currently has five TDs: two from the People before Profit Alliance, two from the Socialist Party, and Seamus Healy of the Workers’ and Unemployed Action Group.

At a press conference yesterday to announce details of the forum, Socialist Party TD Joe Higgins predicted the Opposition would “strike home” at the Government with greater strength in the autumn. People before Profit’s Richard Boyd Barrett claimed anger at Government policies was “not far off the tipping point”.


Asked about an opinion poll this week showing Fine Gael and the Taoiseach with increased support since the election, Mr Boyd Barrett said he did not believe it.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.