Labour must 'come clean' on cuts, says Gormley

SOCIAL POLICY: GREEN PARTY leader John Gormley yesterday called on Labour to “come clean” on which social welfare cuts it would…

SOCIAL POLICY:GREEN PARTY leader John Gormley yesterday called on Labour to "come clean" on which social welfare cuts it would implement in government.

“Labour continues to deceive the Irish public with its cavalier approach to correcting the public finances,” he said.

“Apart from hiding €2 billion in taxes and cuts, they peddle the fiction that you can cut over €1 billion from social welfare without cutting basic rates, which is not possible.”

Mr Gormley was speaking in Carlow at the launch of the party’s social policy, which rules out cuts to basic social welfare rates and the State pension.


It also pledges an extension of the childcare scheme to include all preschool children, and refundable tax credits for the lower paid.

Party spokesman on social and family affairs Dan Boyle said it was possible to make €9 billion in budgetary adjustments without cutting welfare rates or pensions.

“By integrating our welfare and taxation systems, not only can we make savings in social welfare spending in a fair way but also provide an opportunity to target poorer families,” he said.

Party deputy leader Mary White said the pursuit of social justice had always been central to its guiding principles.

“In government, we fought to protect some of the most vulnerable members of our society. We protected funding for homeless services, reversed cuts to education and implemented a number of measures to promote integration.”

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times