Juvenile given two weeks' detention for contempt

A troubled 13-year-old boy was yesterday given two weeks' detention for contempt of court for a series of outbursts in a court…

A troubled 13-year-old boy was yesterday given two weeks' detention for contempt of court for a series of outbursts in a court

The boy, from Tallaght, had been before the Dublin Children's Court for a hearing to determine whether he was criminally responsible and could understand the difference between a crime and an act of mischief, given his young age.

He had been charged with four offences, including theft and criminal damage. In relation to two of the charges, gardaí had applied for a strike out, explaining that they would be unable to proceed with the prosecution due to the unavailability of witnesses. Counsel for the boy applied for the charge for which he was before the court to be struck out also, saying it was a serious matter for a garda not to be present to give evidence.

Judge Angela Ní Chondúin refused to strike out the charge and adjourned it to February 3rd .


At that point the boy's father interrupted the proceedings saying that the garda was supposed to be present and that the case should not proceed.

"The guard is supposed to be in court - they have been given plenty of notice," he said.

After he was warned about repeated interruptions, he was ordered to leave the courtroom.

The boy then proceeded to shout abuse and display aggressive behaviour, threatening a garda.

Judge Ní Chondúin imposed the two-week detention sentence after repeatedly warning the boy to behave.

He is serving the detention sentence in Trinity House Detention Centre.