Irish actor Chris O'Neill dies in US

THE actor Chris O'Neill, known to many as Michael in the former RTE television series, The Riordans, has died.

THE actor Chris O'Neill, known to many as Michael in the former RTE television series, The Riordans, has died.

Mr O'Neill, who was aged 50, was born in Sandycove, Co Dublin. He was taken ill suddenly a month ago while working in Florida. He was detained at a coronary unit in Palm Beach. He died yesterday in the presence of his daughter Aisling (23).

Mr O'Neill had been performing in his one-man show, Frankly Brendan, compiled from the works of Frank O'Connor and Brendan Behan, at an Irish festival in West Palm Beach when he was taken ill. He had been in the US for 12 years, latterly based at "the Irish Bronx Theatre in New York, which he founded.

After attending school at Monkstown CBS in Co Dublin he attended the Abbey School of Acting and it was there he took part in the first production of Hugh Leonard's Da, playing young Charlie. Later he moved to the Gate theatre where he was staff producer. He was also one of a crop of talented actors/directors at the early Project.


One of tile most versatile talents in theatre, he set up the Four-In-One company which toured the country. He was also one of Ireland's first theatrical agents. Gabriel Byrne was one of his earliest clients. He bought a cinema in Ballsbridge, Dublin, and transformed it into the Oscar Theatre.

The actor Tom Hickey described him as "a very warm, a very wonderful spirit." The actor Paul Ronan spoke of the many people Mr O'Neill had assisted in their careers.

Mr O'Neill's daughter, Asling, felt he had lived a fulfilled life.

His widow, Eleanor, lives in Dalkey, Co Dublin. His remains will be cremated in the US before being brought to Ireland for interment.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times