Walk to mark World Refugee day to take place in Cork

Participants will carry old pairs of shoes to signify people on the move fleeing violence

Participants in a solidarity walk for refugees in Cork city on Sunday will carry old pairs of shoes to signify the numbers of people who are currently on the move fleeing violence and persecution throughout the world.

The shoes will then be left at the gates of Bishop Lucey Park for a moment of silence in remembrance of all those who have lost their lives in search of safety.

Nasc Ireland are holding the walk to mark World Refugee day to raise awareness of the millions of displaced men, women and children who are currently on the move seeking safety and protection.

"We are witnessing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis throughout the world. We can and must do more to show our support and solidarity for the millions who have been forced to leave their homes in search of safety," said Nasc CEO Fiona Finn.


The event will also include speakers, including Syrians and other refugees who have journeyed to Ireland and are struggling to bring family members to join them. UCC Professor and migration expert Piaras MacEinri will also speak.

Nasc will also be launching their new ‘Safe Passage’ campaign, calling on the government to ease the family reunification criteria for Syrians.

They will also appeal to the Government to introduce a humanitarian sponsorship programme, similar to the Syrian Humanitarian Admission Programme (SHAP) which operated for a short period in 2014.

“We have devised a practical and implementable scheme, based on our experience working with members of the Syrian community in Ireland who are seeking to reunite with their family, and on the SHAP programme. This new scheme will provide a safe and legal migration route for Syrians fleeing the conflict. It is a perfect complement to the ongoing Refugee Protection Programme, and through a sponsorship mechanism, will not place any additional burden on the Irish government to provide for those granted residency under the scheme,” said Ms Finn.

The Safe Passage scheme also offers an opportunity for Irish people to aid Syrians in their community, by providing sponsorship support to a Syrian person's application. This is similar to private resettlement schemes which have operated so effectively in other jurisdictions such as Canada, Germany and Australia.

Ms Finn said there is a huge outpouring of goodwill amongst the Irish people to do something to help refugees in the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

Walk In Their Shoes will be held on Sunday at 3pm. The walk will begin and end at the gates of Bishop Lucey Park on Grand Parade.