Record-breaking September temperatures in many parts of Ireland

September 7th was the hottest September day in several stations

Rainfall at the Phoenix Park in Dublin was just 56 per cent of the average for September. Photograph: Crispin Rodwell

Many parts of Ireland had the warmest September on record with temperatures well above normal everywhere.

Eleven weather stations in the Republic had a record-breaking month, while temperatures in Northern Ireland were equal to the previous record from 15 years ago.

The 27.9 degrees recorded at Shannon Airport on September 7th was the highest temperature reported at the station in September there since records began and nine other stations had their record temperatures for that month on that day.

All mean air temperatures across the country were above their long-term average (LTA) for the month.


Deviations from mean air temperatures ranged from 1.1 degree (14.3 degree mean temperature) at Malin Head, Co Donegal to 2.3 degrees (15.5 degrees mean temperature) at Phoenix Park, Co Dublin.

Mean temperatures for the month ranged from 13.6 degrees (1.6 degrees above its LTA) at Knock Airport, Co Mayo to 15.7 degrees at both Sherkin Island, Co Cork (1.4 degrees above its LTA) and Shannon Airport (1.5 degrees above its LTA)

Very dry weather at the start of the month was followed by more bright weather in week two. In weeks three and four the very mild weather was as a result of a tropical maritime air mass steering mild air across the country and contributing to the record-breaking temperatures.

While many places recorded record temperatures, sunshine levels were lower than normal everywhere as the warm air also brought a lot of cloud across the country.

September was the joint warmest September on record for Northern Ireland tying with September 2006. The mean temperatures of 14.2 degrees was 1.9 degrees above normal.

Mean temperatures at night, at 10.7 degrees on average, were the warmest ever recorded in the North.

The blanket of cloud meant it was also the dullest September since 1965.

Rainfall levels were below average most places except in a few stations in the west of Ireland.

Rainfall at the Phoenix Park was just 56 per cent of the average for the month

The current forecast is for the warm autumn to continue. It will be warm, overcast and humid on Thursday and Friday with highs of 19 degrees.

Current indicators suggest next weekend will be warm and sunny with high pressure building.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times