Five things you need to know today

New ‘Irish Times’ poll; water charges; Traveller ethnicity; Trump speech; homelessness

Support for Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil is almost equal while Sinn Féin has shown gains, according to the latest figures.

1. ‘Irish Times’ poll: Little to separate Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil as Sinn Féin support climbs

Support for Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil is almost equal while Sinn Féin has shown some gains since December, according to the latest Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI opinion poll.

The poll shows that despite the political controversies of recent weeks, which prompted Taoiseach Enda Kenny to indicate to his party he will step down in the coming weeks, many voters remain unmoved, with most of the changes in party support within the margin of error since the last poll in early December. in new window ]

2. FG and FF refuse to rule out election over water charges


Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil refused to rule out a general election over water charges as the two sides remained at loggerheads over possible levies for excessive usage.

The Oireachtas committee on domestic water services failed to reach agreement on their final report after a 2½-hour meeting on Wednesday. in new window ]

3. Travellers celebrate as 30-year campaign for recognition ends

Taoiseach Enda Kenny got a rare standing ovation in the Dáil on Wednesday night as he uttered words many of those attending had been waiting more than 30 years to hear.

"I wish to now formally recognise Travellers as an ethnic group. It is a historic day for our Travellers and a proud day for Ireland. " in new window ]

4. AIB to pay €250m dividend to shareholders on ‘strong profitability’

AIB has announced plans to pay a €250 million dividend to ordinary shareholders, its first since the global financial crash in late 2008.

The State will receive nearly all of the dividend payment as it owns 99.9 per cent of the bank’s shares following a €20.8 billion bailout by taxpayers. in new window ]

5. Jeff Sessions ‘spoke with Russian ambassador’ during campaign

US attorney general Jeff Sessions had two conversations with the Russian ambassador to the US during the presidential campaign season last year, reports say.

The reports fuelled calls for him to recuse himself from a US justice department investigation into Russian interference in the election in new window ]