Dublin youth soccer violence ‘could result in death’

Schoolboy league says on-pitch incidents involving coaches and parents resemble MMA events

Clubs involved in fights will receive a €500 fine and a six-point deduction for a first offence. Stock image: iStock

Some youth soccer matches are becoming more like "MMA events" and could potentially lead to a death, Dublin's largest schoolboy league has warned.

Following the abandonment of seven games in the past six weeks, the Dublin District Schoolboy League (DDSL) said the coaches and parents of children are also increasingly becoming involved in fights "ending with them verbally or physically striking out at young players".

In an attempt tackle to crack down on the increasing violence the league has announced strict punishments for teams involved in on-pitch fights.

“The league will be decisive when faced with such incidents, players that are involved in an incident that leads to a game been abandoned or leading to a brawl will be severely punished with a mandatory 6 weeks suspension,” it said in a statement printed in a youth football newspaper supplement on Monday.


Clubs involved in fights will receive a €500 fine and a six-point deduction for a first offence. On a second offence the club will be relegated by at least one division.

Further incidents will result in the team being removed from the league. The entire club could be removed if the problem persists, the DDSL warned.

These violent incidents will inevitably lead to a serious injury or fatality before too long, said the league, which oversees dozens of matches every weekend. “We cannot allow this to happen within our game.”

“On what should be an enjoyable sporting occasion for many parents and their children, people are fearful the game will descend into a free for all brawl, more akin to an MMA event than a young players football match. It is time to stand up and take responsibility for the conduct of everyone involved within our game each weekend,” the statement said.

“Clubs must lead by example and make the playing environment a safer place, a place where football can be played in an enjoyable manner.”

The DDSL said there is an “extremely worrying” trend of adults becoming involved in on-pitch fights. “Instead of setting a good example, unfortunately in a growing number of cases, the choice is to verbally abuse and/or resort to violence.

“Young players are influenced more, not by what they are taught, but by what they see in real time. Perhaps those that are charged with looking after the young players should take a long hard look at how they conduct themselves in these situations.

“In all such incidents, although not always easy, everyone must show restraint and do the right thing, show respect for the match officials or supervisors and of those in authority on the day,” the DDSL said.

“For this to happen, managers/coaches and the spectators should be to the forefront in setting/showing the standards/ examples expected, for the players to follow by respecting the players/management of the opposition and by extension the officials in charge of the game.”

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times