In Short

A round-up of today's other stories in brief...

A round-up of today's other stories in brief...

Three held after gardaí seize handgun

Three men have been arrested after gardaí seized a handgun during an investigation into serious crime.

Gardaí stopped and searched two cars and their occupants on Sarsfield Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin, at about 3.45pm yesterday.


A .38 calibre handgun and four rounds of ammunition were discovered by the gardaí.

The three men, who are aged 20, 23 and 31, were last night being held at Ballyfermot and Clondalkin Garda stations.

The operation was part of an ongoing Garda investigation into serious crime in the Dublin west area.

Arrest follows heroin find

A man has been arrested by gardaí after heroin worth an estimated €200,000 was seized in west Dublin.

Gardaí searched a house in St Mark's Grove, Clondalkin, at about 9pm on Monday where they recovered a kilo of heroin.

Gardaí also seized a weighing scales and drug paraphernalia during the planned search.

The man was being held yesterday at Ronanstown Garda station last night under section two of the Drug Trafficking Act.

Search in Turkey for missing man

Turkish police are searching for an Irishman who went missing last Friday.

Mark O'Neill (35) from Swords, Co Dublin, disappeared in the resort area of Bodrum in southwestern Turkey last week.

The Department of Foreign Affairs is providing consular assistance to Mr O'Neill's family .

Workers defer bookshop strike

A strike by workers at a leading bookshop chain has been deferred to allow for further talks.

Workers at Byrne's Bookstores, which has 21 outlets around the country, were due to stage a one-day strike yesterday in a dispute over pay increases.

However, their trade union, Mandate, said yesterday it had agreed to defer the strike action to allow for internal discussions on the issue.

Mandate says a 3 per cent wage increase was promised in August 2006, but an increase due last January has not been granted.

Warning over new M50 tolls

Labour's transport spokesman Tommy Broughan has criticised charging arrangements for new barrier-free tolling on the M50 which he claims will increase costs for business.

Mr Broughan said that under the current barrier- tolling arrangements operated by a private company, National Toll Roads, the charge includes a reclaimable 21 per cent VAT.

However, when barrier- free tolling is introduced later this month, the National Roads Authority, as a State agency, will not be charging VAT.

Mr Broughan said the toll was remaining the same and the NRA was simply retaining the 21 per cent VAT.

Peacekeeping exhibition

A new military exhibition unveiled at the National Museum celebrates 50 years of Defence Forces peacekeeping, writes Pamela Newenham.

The UN 50 exhibition examines the role played by Irish peacekeepers. More than 80 Irish peacekeepers have died in the service of the UN. The exhibition will be on display until the end of December at Collins Barracks, Dublin.