HSE takes over running of Leitrim care home

The Health Service Executive has taken over the running of a nursing home in Co Leitrim following an announcement by its operator…

The Health Service Executive has taken over the running of a nursing home in Co Leitrim following an announcement by its operator that it would be closed.

Mullross Nursing Home in Kilclare, Carrick-on-Shannon was taken over at 4.30pm yesterday after discussions with the home’s registered provider and the Health Information and Quality Authority.

It will be operated on an interim basis by the HSE until an alternative registered provider can be found, the authority said. It added that residents will not have to leave the home.

Mullross, which has 30 residents, has operated as a nursing home since 1995 and was taken over and renovated by current registered provider Stephen Buckley in late 2008.


At the end of December, Mr Buckley wrote to residents informing them the home was to be closed and residents would have to move to alternative accommodation.

He had said he would be unable to comply with some aspects of health legislation, coming into effect in January 2014.

The home had been inspected by authority on a number of occasions in connection with its registration.

An inspection in May last year found the home did not comply with some requirements including procedures around the management of medicines, administration of staffing and recruitment and the maintenance of records.

In a statement following talks with Mr Buckley and the HSE, a spokeswoman for the authority said Mr Buckley had notified the authority that he had “accepted the decision of the authority to cancel his registration as the registered provider” of Mullross Nursing Home, under section 51 of the Health Act 2007.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist