Gardaí wait to see if Cork death is related to row

GARDAÍ IN Cork are awaiting the results of a postmortem today on the body of a 26-year-old man from north Cork before deciding…

GARDAÍ IN Cork are awaiting the results of a postmortem today on the body of a 26-year-old man from north Cork before deciding what direction their investigation will take.

The man died at Cork University Hospital on Sunday after he was transferred there from South Tipperary General Hospital in Clonmel where he had been admitted over a week ago when he complained of headaches.

Gardaí are hoping that the post-mortem by assistant State Pathologist Dr Margaret Bolster will establish if there is any link between the man's death and an incident in which he was assaulted some days before he was admitted to hospital.

The young man had intervened in a row between up to three other people on Main Street in Glanworth near Fermoy at about 1.30am on October 27th, and gardaí believe he was assaulted in his attempt to calm the situation.


According to Supt Tom Myers of Fermoy Garda station, gardaí are hoping that the postmortem will clarify whether the man's death is related to any injury he may have received during his attempt to break up the row.

Supt Myers appealed to anyone who may have witnessed the incident to contact them in Fermoy on 025-82100.

He said gardaí would decide what direction their investigation would take when they got the postmortem results.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times