Fine Gael charges Coalition with 'mismanagement'

Fine Gael has released a list of eight "charges" of mismanaging the public finances that it is levelling against the Government…

Fine Gael has released a list of eight "charges" of mismanaging the public finances that it is levelling against the Government.

Mr Richard Bruton, the party's deputy leader and finance spokesman, compiled the motion which includes allegations the Government "deliberately and knowingly" misled the electorate about the state of the public finances before last May's election.

The list continues with claims the Government exceeded public spending limits sanctioned by the Dáil, that it "recklessly" undermining the tax base by indulging in "ill-considered tax giveaways", and that it abandoned the "minimum standards for prudent management of public finances".

The motion also claims the Government has failed, in spite of massive spending, to deliver substantial improvements in public services. Fine Gael also says that in implementing various cutbacks, the Government has "crudely targeted" weak and voiceless sections of the community.


"They have increased charges to the public at a time when runaway inflation is already undermining living standards and competitiveness," the motion charges.

Finally, Fine Gael alleges that Government conspired to "squander" a surplus created by Irish workers of €4.6 billion, replacing it with a deficit of at least €750 million by the end of the year.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times