FG cancels ardfheis, defers writ for by-election

Fine Gael's hopes of getting a lift in support from the election of Mr Michael Noonan to the leadership have been diminished …

Fine Gael's hopes of getting a lift in support from the election of Mr Michael Noonan to the leadership have been diminished by the foot-and-mouth crisis.

Yesterday, Mr Noonan cancelled the party's ardfheis, which was expected to attract 5,000 delegates to Dublin tomorrow evening and Saturday. However, the party will hold a regional conference of Dublin members so Mr Noonan can make a televised address on RTE 1 from 8 p.m. on Saturday.

Fine Gael had been expected to move the writ for the Tipperary South by-election in the wake of a successful ardfheis, but this has been deferred. "I had not taken a decision about when to move the writ. I do not intend taking an early decision now," Mr Noonan said. In a letter to 25,000 party members, Mr Noonan has asked non-Dublin delegates not to travel or to use pre-booked accommodation for a social weekend. "I appreciate that the risk of a potential foot-and-mouth disease is very low, but the issue is so important that to take any risk at all is too high."

Disappointed by the cancellation, Mr Noonan said it had not been an easy decision to make.


The foot-and-mouth crisis could affect the timing of the general election. "We might be looking at a situation where an ardfheis this time next year might be an appropriate launching pad for a general election," said Mr Noonan.

Fine Gael's decision will put pressure on Fianna Fail to postpone its ardfheis, due to take place between April 6th-8th.

Yesterday, Sinn Fein said it would keep its annual gathering, due to take place on March 10th and 11th, "under review". Mr Mitchel McLaughlin, Sinn Fein's chairman, said it had been in contact with the Department of Agriculture.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times