Eye on Nature: Your notes and queries

A cuckoo’s calls, a blackbird’s bravery and a caterpillar that smells like a goat

Recently I heard the cuckoo call at 11pm. It called clear as a bell for a full three minutes.
Paul Keogh
Ardfert, Co Kerry

In April I open my bill, in May I sing night and day, in June I change my tune, in July far, far I fly.

While walking the dog in local woods a cock blackbird appeared on the path in front of us, trailing its wing and fluttering as if in great distress, keeping just out of reach. This continued for about 100m, at which point the bird made a miraculous recovery and flew away.
Darius Bartlett
Midleton, Co Cork

Many birds, particularly those that nest on or near the ground, use diversionary tactics to draw danger away from the nest.


Eileen Fahey of Kilteevan, in Co Roscommon, sent a photograph of a large, reddish caterpillar, that of the goat moth. It lays its eggs in the bark of trees; the caterpillars bore into the wood and remain there, feeding, for two to four years, at which point they emerge to pupate on the ground. They have a goat-like smell.

Michael Viney welcomes observations at Thallabawn, Louisburgh, Co Mayo, or by email at viney@anu.ie. Please include a postal address

Michael Viney

Michael Viney

The late Michael Viney was an Times contributor, broadcaster, film-maker and natural-history author