Dramatic footage of woman running from wave emerges

Met Éireann predicts respite from storms

A screen grab of the YouTube clip showing a woman running from a large wave in Tramore, Co Waterford.

Dramatic footage of a woman and her dog running from a huge wave in Tramore, Co Waterford has emerged.

The video posted on the Swellseekers.ie Facebook page shows the woman being engulfed in the water after running

Swellseekers said on its page that the incident happened outside Moe’s cafe and T-Bay Surf Club yesterday.

“ The sea had gone quiet for over 30 minutes when suddenly a large wave came over the sea wall and caught the lady, nephew and her dog out.


The post added: “The woman and her well looked after dog are ok now. They simply got caught out by the power of the ocean and this can happen to anyone at any stage during a storm. Stay safe out there people.”

Meanwhile, a period of some respite from the recent severe weather can be expected from now and through much of the weekend, according to Met Éireann.

Forecasters predict that tonight, much of the country will enjoy cold, frosty temperatures, with readings at about minus two degrees centigrade in many areas, but down to perhaps minus four in some.

Friday will bring light winds and some showers, mainly in the West. The north and east should remain dry for the, most part.

However, in the south-west – Kerry, Cork and Clare – a new weather system will start passing over the country in the early afternoon bringing some heavy rain with it and southerly winds with gusts of 80 to 100 k/mh.

"This weather will be nothing out of the ordinary," says Gerry Murphy of Met Éireann. "It will be fairly typical for this time of year, wet and windy, but of course it comes on top of everything else that people are getting fed up with."

Saturday will see showers, some thundery and heavy, with south-west winds and some sunny spells. Sunday will bring no new depressions from the Atlantic and Sunday night will be dry and frosty in many places.

Later on Monday, however, and through Tuesday, another bout of intense rain and winds is expected but as yet, forecasters are reluctant to predict whether this system will bring conditions as severe as some of those experienced earlier this week.