The latest figures from Met Éireann confirm what we have heard anecdotally about the mildness of the winter so far. Soil temperature which are indicative of medium-turn temperatures are far higher than normal for the time of the year especially along the west coast. Valentia in Co Kerry, Belmullet in Co Mayo and Oak Park in Co Carlow are all recording soil temperatures more than 3 degrees above normal for the time of the year. This is why flowers are flowering and grass is growing so early. We would like to see your pictures of the mild winter from your garden or locality and we will publish a selection of the best ones. Are the daffs already flowering, are the trees in bud, have you cut the lawn? Get your camera and phone and send us a quick picture with a description and location.
Are your flowers in bloom? Send us your pictures
We are looking for reader pictures of Ireland’s mild winter