* The first report of the National Education Welfare Board on Irish school attendance rates found a "strong relationship between levels of disadvantage and levels of non-attendance".
* Children in rural areas have better school attendance than children in urban areas.
* Attendance is lower at post primary than primary. At primary, the average absence is 11 days out of 183. At post primary, the average absence is 15 days out of 167.
* Primary students miss an average of 10 days per academic year. One in 10 misses 20 days or more.
* Post-primary students miss an average of 14 days per academic year. One in five students is absent for 20 days or more at post-primary level.
* Attendance levels at post primary vary by sector, with secondary schools having the highest levels at 92.5 per cent, followed by community and comprehensive schools at 90.9 per cent and vocational schools at 89.8 per cent.
* The study confirms the findings of other research that attendance rates influence school retention rates and average performance in the Junior Certificate.
* Student expulsions are rare (less than 100 in the academic year 2003/04 )
* For a full copy of the report, visit www.newb.ie
* The NEWB Lo-Call Helpline number is 1890 36 36 66