Where did you go to school?

St Canices, North Circular Road from 1948 to 1953. O'Connell's CBS, North Circular Road from 1953 until 1955

Were you cool or were you one of the nerdy kids?


I was the tough kid, which was probably cool alright.

Give us an extract of a school report

Buckets of potential. Pity he only does a three day week with us.

Who was your favourite teacher in primary school? Why?

Mr Stack, our English teacher. He took us to the pictures every month to see the classics - Julius Caesar, Ben Hur, etc. He was a great motivator.

How about secondary school? Anyone who you liked/inspired you? Why?

Br Gallagher. He sneaked me in to do the Inter Cert having been expelled (for playing soccer) four months earlier. I got an Honours Cert.

Did you have a nickname?

Liamo - my da was Bill, so my family name is still Liam.

What was the first music album you bought?

Chances Areby Johnny Mathis.

What's on your iPod now?

Jackie nabbed it.

Who would play you in a movie of your younger days?

Jackie [his partner] says she wants Brad Pitt or Colin Farrell. She will play herself!

What posters did you have on your bedroom wall?

The mighty Duncan Edwards of Man U who died after the Munich air crash in February, 1958.

Who was your first crush?

Mona Evans from Whitehall who I met on the beach in Portrane.

What did you study in college?

Never made it. But did get an Honorary Doctorate in 2005 - 50 years after I was expelled.

Regrets? Have you had a few?

If I did look back carefully I would regret actions and omissions. But I always say "we are where we are". Learn from mistakes and move on positively!

Bill Cullen is chairman of Glencullen Group www.goldenapples.ie