Early school leavers low paid

The latest school leaver survey shows no improvement in the numbers completing second-level education.

The latest school leaver survey shows no improvement in the numbers completing second-level education.

But it also highlights an increased take-up of educational and training opportunities by early school leavers, once they leave their second-level school.

The ESRI 2006 School Leavers' Survey says school completion rates remain at levels found in the early 1990s. But more early school leavers are accessing alternative education/training opportunities outside the official second-level system, such as Youthreach and Further Education (Fetac) courses. For those who remain on to Leaving Cert, the survey shows an increasing number are progressing to third level.

The survey confirms how many early school leavers struggle to find gainful employment or work at low wage levels.


Dr Selina McCoy, one of the authors of the report, said "while the majority of school leavers make a successful transition to the labour market or further study after school, the experiences of those leaving school with lower levels of educational attainment are less positive. Such young people face increasing difficulty in accessing employment."

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times