Durkan calls for tougher sentences for joyriders

The leader of the SDLP today called for tougher sentences for those convicted of car crimes such as joyriding.

The leader of the SDLP today called for tougher sentences for those convicted of car crimes such as joyriding.

Mr Mark Durkan met members of the cross-community Families Bereaved through Car Crime in west Belfast this afternoon and assured them of his support for their campaign to raise awareness of the problem of car crime.

"Having suffered greatly through the loss of a parent, child or relative from car crime their campaign has important goals, the energy to achieve them and the authority to be heard by all," Mr Durkan said.

The group launched a poster campaign this week to raise awareness of the problem of joyriding and its devastating consequences.


It has also called for tougher sentences for those convicted of car-related crime and a ban on their release for Christmas.

Mr Durkan said his party supported the proposals of the group which also include widening the range of offences applicable to those involved in car crime and appropriate support to divert people away from this type of offence.

"The SDLP has raised the proposals of Families Bereaved through Car Crime group with the Irish and British governments, the police and the legal authorities," he said.

"We fully support the families. The objectives of their campaign are right and realisable.

"We will continue to press for a full and positive response to these proposals which are aimed at dealing with both the causes and consequences of car crime," he added.