Developers to seek Meath rezonings

Property developers in Co Meath are seeking to have hundreds of acres of land rezoned for housing next week, despite strong objections…

Property developers in Co Meath are seeking to have hundreds of acres of land rezoned for housing next week, despite strong objections from local authority planners.

The measures, if passed by Meath county councillors on Monday, would significantly increase the population of Bettystown, Laytown, Donacarney, Stamullen, Mornington and Gormanston by 2011. However, county manager Tom Dowling said the applications to amend the county development plan, if accepted, could have "grave repercussions" for the county.

Local councillors in the Slane area, who held an all-day meeting last Saturday, have thrown their unanimous support behind three applications, that would, if implemented, double Stamullen's population.

However, the local councillors have divided views over a number of other proposed amendments in the area, although The Irish Times understands these amendments will be backed by a majority of the Slane members when the full council meets on Monday.


Currently, Stamullen, with a population of 2,173, has few shops, sporting facilities and services, and has suffered strains in water supplies and sewage treatment.

Seven applications have been requested, including one from Palladrone Development Partnership, that has offered to give the local GAA club three acres in return for zoning.

The directors of Palladrone, according to records filed with the Companies Office, are Tony Fayne, Sandycove Road, Co Dublin and Michael Simpson, Fortfield Drive, Terenure, Dublin.

Tony Davitt, Cockhill, Stamullen, has sought to get 32 acres currently zoned for light industrial rezoned for houses in the area and to keep another 14 acres available for light industrial use.

Joseph Purfield, Kilbreckstown, Stamullen, has sought residential zoning for 10 acres on Silverstream Road which are currently outside the development plan approved by the council.

Laytown-based Green Party councillor Tom Kelly has submitted an application to have lands southwest of Stamullen rezoned, although Meath County Council documents do not make it clear just how much land would be affected by such a change.

The council has already zoned 36 acres around the village for housing, which would add 1,500 people to the population - although the full list of changes sought would add another 6,000 people, the manager warned.

The Slane councillors are to back a bid by Lorcan Greenan to have 53 acres in Bettystown rezoned. Mr Greenan has, in turn, offered to give five acres to local sporting organisations.

Mr Greenan's application is one of nine affecting Bettystown, totalling 203 acres - even though nearly 250 acres of farmland is currently zoned for housing in the area but not yet been developed.

In his report to councillors, Mr Dowling said further zonings in Laytown/Bettystown cannot be justified over the next six years. "Zoning further lands is likely to have grave repercussions."

Meanwhile, a Bettystown landowner is seeking to have the zoning on 39 acres changed in return for donating 10 acres of the plot for community uses. This has been unanimously supported by Slane councillors.

Questioned about the stand taken by Slane councillors, Labour's Dominic Hannigan said they had to rezone some extra land if they are to get other lands for schools, pitches, etc.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times