Gardaí arrest two in wake of post office robbery

Staff member assaulted during incident in which armed men fled scene with cash

Investigating officers are appealing for witnesses to the post office robbery. Photograph: The Irish Times

Two men have been arrested by gardaí investigating an armed robbery of a post office on Tuesday morning.

At about 10am two individuals wearing balaclavas entered the Leighlinbridge post office in Co Carlow armed with a firearm and a hammer.

One member of staff was assaulted in the incident, after which the assailants made off with an unspecified amount of cash.

They left the scene in a car believed to be a white Honda.


When the alarm was raised, gardaí were diverted from a separate incident and immediately set up check points, sealing off the immediate area to traffic.


They subsequently received a report of a white car being set alight near the Burrin Manor housing estate in Carlow.

The two men, both aged 27, were arrested nearby and have been detained at Carlow and Thomastown stations under section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act. A quantity of money was also recovered.

Investigating officers are appealing for witnesses and anyone with information is asked to contact them at Carlow station on 059-913 6620, the confidential line 1800-666 111 or any other station.

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times