Leaving Cert student with dyslexia challenges refusal to grant ‘reader’

Dubliner was given reader for Junior Certificate, but refused one for final exams

The boy exhibited a letter from a clinical psychologist who said the student’s fluctuations in attention and listening are exacerbated by anxiety in exam situations. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

A student with dyslexia has challenged the Minister for Education’s refusal to grant him an adult “reader” to help him understand Leaving Certificate exam papers.

The 18-year-old sixth year student from Dublin was given a reader when sitting his Junior Certificate, but has been refused one for the Leaving Certificate, which he is due to sit later this year.

Mr Justice Richard Humphreys granted leave on Monday to Feichín McDonagh SC, instructed by solicitor Eileen McCabe, to challenge that refusal in judicial review proceedings against the Minister.

The student, when aged nine, secured a placement at a special school for children with dyslexia who are of higher or average intelligence but with lesser literacy skills than 98 per cent of their peers. Since returning to his mainstream school, the student’s efforts to keep up wth his peers involve attending after-school study five days a week, it was stated in court documents.


Under a "reasonable accommodation" policy operated by the State Examinations Commission, students who believe certain permanent or long-term conditions, such as visual, hearing and specific learning difficulties, may affect their examinations performance can apply for special arrangements.

After the plaintiff’s school confirmed he would need special arrangements for the Junior Certificate, he was granted a reader, an adult exam supervisor to read the exam questions to him in a way he could understand, and was also not penalised for spelling and grammar mistakes.

In seeking a similar special accommodation for the Leaving Certificate, he exhibited a letter from a clinical psychologist who said the student’s fluctuations in attention and listening are exacerbated by anxiety in exam situations.

He was later refused a reader after reaching a score of 90 in word reading on what is known as the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT). The guidelines for a reader include scoring 85 or less on that test. He was, however, granted a waiver for spelling, grammar and punctuation for language subjects.

In his appeal against being refused a reader, he provided a further report from the clinical psychologist, a letter from his school principal stating his word reading scores do not accurately reflect his performance under exam conditions and a letter from his mother.

His appeal was rejected on January 14th last on foot of an apparent “pro forma” letter, he claims.

In his judicial review, he wants orders quashing that refusal, arguing a failure to provide reasons for it renders it fundamantally flawed and in breach of fair procedures. He does not know the reasons for refusing his appeal and that in turn affects his ability to bring a further appeal to the Ombudsman for children, it is claimed.

The Minister, it is also claimed, was on notice at all times the student cannot read or comprehend passages as well when he is under exam conditions.

The student claims he is severely prejudiced as a result of the refusal and the matter is urgent as he is to sit his “mock” Leaving Certificate within weeks and the “mocks” provide his only real opportunity to prepare for the exam with the aid of a reader.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times