Conned... again : Despite years of Rogue Trader -style television programmes highlighting the dangers of hiring some random …

Conned . . . again: Despite years of Rogue Trader-style television programmes highlighting the dangers of hiring some random bloke, some people are still taking the risk.

The National Consumer Agency (NCA) last week highlighted an upsurge of reported incidents, and said consumers were still being conned. The NCA also issued a series of guidelines for consumers confronted by cold-calling traders. The guidelines warn people not to be influenced by claims of bargain-basement prices, and remind people to seek addresses and landline numbers.

Sinking feeling

While Irish property prices may be falling, spare a thought for the residents of areas of Detroit where things have got so grim that a house sold recently for a single dollar. According to the Detroit News, despite the price, the house still took 19 days to sell.


It used to be one of the nicest houses in the area and cost the last owner $65,000 in 2006.

Following foreclosure, however, vandals stripped it of everything valuable, from the wiring to the kitchen sink.