Likes a bargain but quality and origin crucial

ME & MY MONEY: Bill Kelly of Kelly’s Hotel

ME & MY MONEY:Bill Kelly of Kelly's Hotel

1. Are you a saver or spender?

With six daughters and a wife I have no choice but to be a spender! In the present climate, though, we all need to get out and spend again to encourage and support Irish businesses.

2. Do you shop around for better value?


I always shop around for better value as long as the quality is there, but for the hotel we are very conscious to support local and Irish produce even if it costs a little more.

3. What has been your most extravagant purchase ever and how much did it cost?

In 2004, we spent over €6 million on our spa with a few suites above it. Luckily, the timing was right and it has acted as a huge enhancement to the hotel.

4. What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?

My home is, without doubt, my best purchase; it’s away yet near to my work in the hotel and has given my wife Isabelle, my girls, a few dogs, a pony, two donkeys and myself great happiness over the last 16 years.

5. Have you ever crossed the Border to shop?

No, it would be a long drive from Rosslare, and I am not a shopper if I can avoid it.

6. Do you haggle over prices?

Yes, especially if I am away. This is much to the embarrassment of my wife, I have to say.

7. Has the recession changed your spending habits?

Yes, of course, it has. It has certainly made me think twice about every purchase to ensure that we are getting good value. But I feel strongly that people, within limits, should keep spending otherwise we will make the current economic situation worse.

8. Do you invest in shares?

Yes, but on a very small scale. I feel it’s like backing a horse and, to be honest, it’s not one of my strengths.

9. Cash or card?

Nearly all card.

10. How much money do you have on you now?
