Award for heat and power unit

A combined heat and power unit (CPH) which provides electricity for the Dublin Civic offices at Wood Quay and heat for a large…

A combined heat and power unit (CPH) which provides electricity for the Dublin Civic offices at Wood Quay and heat for a large number of buildings in the area has won a major international award.

The entry from Dublin Corporation won the Bremen Partnership Award for global responsibility through local action worth DM25,000 in Germany last night.

Mr John O'Connor, a senior engineer with Dublin Corporation, who with Mr Tim Cooper, director of buildings at Trinity College Dublin, designed the facility, said the win, "against very strong opposition", was a major success for Dublin.

By using the left-over energy after the generation of electricity to heat neighbouring buildings the CHP project results in a 60 per cent saving in carbon dioxide emissions. It also has resulted in four follow-up schemes in the Dublin area.