Adams criticises Orangemen's use of church land and property

The Sinn Fein leader, Mr Gerry Adams, has criticised the use of Church of Ireland land and property at Drumcree by protesting…

The Sinn Fein leader, Mr Gerry Adams, has criticised the use of Church of Ireland land and property at Drumcree by protesting Orangemen. Though church lands were closed to the Orangemen and supporters yesterday, some were still using the parochial hall at Drumcree last night. Mr Adams said he knew many people in the church and "I know they are affronted that church property is being used in what is clearly a sectarian siege". He referred to his recent speech at a Wolfe Tone commemoration in Bodenstown. "I appealed to our friends in the Church of Ireland to prevent their denomination and their property being hijacked in the way it has been."

Asked about church leaders' handling of recent events, he said: "I have been trying in the last few days to avoid the hard word, but I have to say the response of all church leaders has been belated, but having said that, all of us have to change." Mr Adams was speaking while visiting the Garvaghy Road in Portadown yesterday, when he met the residents' group. Afterwards, with Mr Breandan Mac Cionnaith, Ms Dara O'Hagan and Mr Francie Molloy, he toured the estate. He did acknowledge "the voice of sanity" within Orangeism. "I applaud that," he said.

He urged Portadown Orangemen to talk to the people on the Garvaghy Road "making sure that this is the last year that we have these difficulties".

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times