Adams and McGuinness meet Ahern in Dublin

The Taoiseach is hosting a meeting with the leaders of Sinn Féin this afternoon to discuss the situation in Northern Ireland…

The Taoiseach is hosting a meeting with the leaders of Sinn Féin this afternoon to discuss the situation in Northern Ireland.

Mr Gerry Adams and Mr Martin McGuinness are holding talks with Mr Ahern and Government officials at Government Buildings.

They are thought to be discussing the recent violent incidents in the North as well as yesterday’s statements in the House of Commons by the British Prime Minister and the Northern Ireland Secretary, Dr John Reid.

Mr Blair and Mr Reid warned loyalist and republican paramilitary groups that any further breaches of their ceasefires would further destroy public confidence in their promises. The net result would be the probable collapse of the Belfast Agreement, they said.


Dr Reid said there was "a particular responsibility" on political parties in government in Northern Ireland, seen as a specific reference to Sinn Féin, who are under continued threat of sanctions from unionists.

He told the House that he would "not hesitate" to use his existing powers to ask the Assembly to consider the exclusion of any party allied with a paramilitary organisation that he deemed to be in breach of its ceasefire.

Following the statements yesterday, Mr Adams accused the British government of failing to address the "real crisis" in Northern Ireland, namely that of "loyalist death squads".

He claimed Catholics in the North are facing a "sustained and orchestrated campaign of sectarian violence by loyalist groups, especially the UDA".

Meanwhile, the First Minister and Ulster Unionist Party leader was due to meet his Assembly party members today to discuss the Commons statements.

The UUP had sought the expulsion of Sinn Féin from the Assembly over claims of IRA activity.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times