€8,250 fine for failure to display shop prices

A Co Waterford garage owner has been fined €8,250 for failing to display prices, one of the largest fines imposed for such an…

A Co Waterford garage owner has been fined €8,250 for failing to display prices, one of the largest fines imposed for such an offence.

Thomas Farrell and Sons (Garages) Ltd was convicted on 39 counts of failing to display prices on grocery items at its stores at Tramore and Pickardstown service stations.

The National Consumer Agency (NCA) said the decision by Waterford District Court sent a clear message to retailers to comply with the law on pricing display.

Rgdata, the grocers' representative body, expressed concern about the growing level of fines imposed on retailers for not displaying prices.


Ann Fitzgerald, acting chief executive of the NCA, said it was totally unacceptable that some retailers were continuing to exploit consumers by failing to display their prices properly.

She warned that new legislation had given the agency greater powers to ensure that traders acted responsibly towards consumers, including the right to impose on-the-spot fines and a "name and shame" policy on offenders. "Consumers have a right to this information and the new enforcement powers available to the NCA will help to ensure better compliance in the retail sector."

However, Tara Buckley, chief executive of Rgdata, said many of its members were aggrieved at the growing level of penalties being imposed.

"It is the law and the NCA is completely within its rights to prosecute. However, difficulties can arise managing thousands of product lines in a store, especially when prices change."