A day at a spa should be idyllic. A place where the cacophony of whining children or nagging bosses is replaced by the ambient echo of whale pods – in theory.
Ice showers and plunge pools are by definition very cold. Squealing like a One Direction fan won’t make them less so. If you can’t hack the frigid waters, skip them.
Sipping on ginseng-infused herbal tea and nibbling organic apples may help intensify the cleansing process. But keep snacks for noise-friendly zones, not the relaxation room. You’re drowning out the cascading waterfall with all that munching and slurping.

Yes, you have the best boyfriend ever. And we get you’re thrilled he surprised you with a weekend away, but PDA in the Jacuzzi is uncomfortable for everyone. And, yes, you are a busy person, multi-tasking day and night, but spare a thought for the therapist who has to deal with your untended bits. Don’t leave it so long between visits that it’s going to take a whole pot of wax to deal with all that hair.
It’s difficult to see in the sauna and steam room, but it doesn’t make you invisible. If you’re comfortable in the nip, good for you but you never know who you’ll meet. Making awkward conversation with your ex and his fiancé is difficult enough without trying to cover yourself with a face cloth. The sign said communal. You were warned. Rachel Murphy