Tell us about your worst Christmas present ever

From the book you received inscribed with someone else’s name to the ‘stylish’ ironing board cover - we want to hear all

Send us your stories of the most ghastly gifts of Christmasses past and if you’ve a photo of said offending articles all the better. Photograph: Getty

Christmas is a time for giving but sometimes the givers get it so wrong that the turkey comes served with a side order of bitter, resentful tears.

From the book you received that was inscribed with someone else’s name to the tartan ironing board cover your loved one believed was a practical, yet stylish gift we want to hear all about the worst Christmas presents ever.

So send us your stories of the most ghastly gifts of Christmasses past and if you’ve a photo of said offending articles all the better

We'll be publishing stories from readers over the coming weeks. You can share your stories and photographs using the form above or email with "Worst Christmas Present Ever" in the subject line.