Druids Glen currently has 200 members who each pay an annual sub of £1,635. The entry fee is £40,000. Corporate membership is £50,000 plus VAT for two nominees for five years and £20,000 for each additional nominee. It includes 75 free green fees per year for five years.
Those buying apartments will receive free entrance to what will be the second course and the leisure centre. Families opting for the detached homes will get one membership of the main course and two of the second course and leisure facility.
Druids Glen is a profitable enterprise, according to general manager Donal Flinn. In the past year, the resort attached more than 20,000 visitors who paid green fees of £85 or, in the case of groups of over 16, £70 per round.
In all, more than 32,000 games of golf were played in the last 12 months. The club operated at 90 per cent of capacity between May and September.