Health Scan: Kevin Cassidy

Kevin Cassidy: “If I am under pressure or stressed out I try to get out for a run as I find it helps me to clear my mind and focus on what I can control”

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? I do lead a healthy lifestyle most of the time. I monitor my diet closely, especially during the football season. However I allow myself one cheat day a week, where I get to eat what I like.

How often do you exercise? I try to do some sort of exercise every day. Sometimes it may be intense; other days it may be something as simple as sit-ups or press-ups. I feel positive afterwards and it helps set me up for the day.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day? I do, but to be honest I eat mostly fruit. I make a point of having some with my breakfast and again with my lunch. Do you worry? We all worry, and I am no different. If I am under pressure or stressed out I try to get out for a run as I find it helps me to clear my mind and focus on what I can control. The things that we can control are the only things worth worrying about.

What do you do to relax? I love to sit at home with my family and watch some TV. It may sound boring but there is no better way to unwind after a week's work or sport than to sit in front of a big fire and watch a good movie.


What's your worst habit? Sometimes I take too much on and lose focus of what is important in life, which is spending quality time with your family and friends. Kevin Cassidy is a former Donegal GAA All Star footballer and an ambassador for the Wild Atlantic Way charity cycle.

The solo cycle begins in Kinsale on August 24th and ends on Wednesday, September 3rd, in Letterkenny. Proceeds go to the Irish Heart Foundation