Health Scan: Derry Kiely

Derry Kiely playing golf; he admits he could do more exercise.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? Moderately healthy. Generally speaking, I’m probably not too bad, although I could be better in the mornings as I

seem to have porridge only during the winter. My wife ensures we have a healthy dinner and I try to resist biscuits in the evening. I’m not much of a wine drinker so if I’m out for a meal, it’s usually just water or occasionally a cider.

How often do you exercise?

I’m on the move a lot at work, especially during the summer, so I tend to swim or do gym work over the winter.

I managed to complete a marathon two years ago and until a few months ago I would still have gone for the occasional run. An old knee problem forced me to buy a bike recently, so I’m trying to cycle the 19 miles to work when I’m feeling up to it.


Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day? I’m likely to get more vegetables than fruit because on the occasion that my wife does fill a fruit bowl, my 20-year-old son makes short work of it. Overall, though, I would say I’m not too bad


Do you worry?

Like any parent I always worry about the health and safety of my three kids. I wouldn’t consider myself a worrier in general. I’d like to think I’m positive: a glass-half-full type person.

What do you do to relax?

I like nothing better than to sit back and watch sport or a movie with a cold drink.

What’s your worst habit?

I probably tend to leave things on the long finger. I’ve an “I’ll do it later” attitude.

Derry Kiely is a PGA professional at Faithlegg House Hotel and Golf Resort.