Health Scan: Andrew Hyland

Andrew Hyland: a swim in the Irish Sea – great for the soul.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
I have a pretty healthy lifestyle. I start my day with porridge or Happy Pear granola. I juice a mixture of fruit and vegetables every day – about a pint in total.

My lunch and dinners are always healthy. I do a weekly shop from McNally Organic Farmers every Saturday in Temple Bar. I don’t smoke. I walk almost everywhere too, which definitely helps. I qualified as a yoga instructor recently so, all in all, I do take care of myself.

How often do you exercise?
I walk an hour every day at a minimum. I practice yoga four to five times a week and when I can get out I love to climb mountains. In the summer I swim in the Irish Sea – great for invigorating the soul. I even managed the Christmas Day swim in Greystones.
Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?

I do indeed. I juice every day so I get it all in there and on top of that, I'll eat a mixture of fruit and vegetables during the day.

Do you worry?
I am a worrier. I think I get it from my mum. Dad, on the other hand, is chill central. I'm totally aware of it, though, and try to curb it as best I can with daily meditation – just 15 min- utes in the morning or at night.


What do you do to relax?
I love to sit in front of a roaring fire in winter with no television and just chill. Yoga and meditation are amazing for grounding and balance. I spend a lot of time with family and friends and it's just the best tonic for keep- ing sane in this hectic world.

What's your worst habit?
Cakes and dark chocolate are my vice. I try hard to balance the good and bad where food is concerned – life's too short after all – but I do have a sweet tooth. I gave up all foods with sugar for a year in 2012 and never felt better but slowly sugar crept back into my diet and I am now trying to find a balance.

Andrew Hyland is the director of Marriage Equality
In conversation with

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter