Why I Love... obstacle courses

Nicole Lynch loves the sport as it always challenges her and helps improve her strength

Nicole Lynch: “I have made some amazing friends from all over the country and have begun training regularly with them.”

A couple of years ago, I kick-started my motorbike racing career. As I was preparing to compete on my Medlar Racing SV650 motorbike on racetracks throughout UK and Europe, I knew I needed to up my physical fitness training. Being fit was going to play a vital role in my successes in the sport.

I wanted to start running to build up my cardio endurance, but I always found it difficult and a bit boring. I’d heard about a challenge run called Hell and Back and I signed up thinking it would motivate me to start running in earnest.

I didn’t do much practice running in the lead-up, but I still decided to go ahead and give it a go. I joined the start line and when the whistle blew, I climbed over bales, ran through tyres, clambered over walls and ran around what I couldn’t get over.

Army training

It was like army training! I was hooked right away, so I signed up for every obstacle course race in the country that year. It meant a lot of motoring around the length and breadth of the country on the weekends when I wasn’t away racing, but it was worth it.


I have made some amazing friends from all over the country and have begun training regularly with them. A group of us even qualified for the European Obstacle Course Racing Championships and I also competed in the Irish Obstacle Course Championships and came second!

It’s a great sport and can be as easy or difficult as you want it to be. It always challenges me and I love training with my friends all the while becoming stronger, faster, fitter and happier. For anyone curious, I would say sign up and give it a go. I haven’t looked back.