Health tip of the day: track your exercise progress

Measuring progress will help keep you motivated

Starting off a new fitness plan, you’re full of determination that this time will be the one you’ll stick to it. But that motivation doesn’t stick around forever. The temptation to do a little bit less each work out, or to not push yourself as hard is real, and happens to all of us.

Having a fitness goal isn’t enough on its own. It’s human nature to need to be able to see progress. That’s hard on a day-to-day basis if your goal is to lose a few kilos or run a marathon next year. Tracking your progress gives you a regular reminder of how close (or far) you actually are from achieving your goal. Whether you’re tracking what food you’re eating, what workouts you’re doing, what weight you are, or even just going by progress selfies, having some measure will help keep you motivated to keep going.