Acupuncture technique ‘creates the right conditions’ for conceiving babies

Acupuncturist Gerad Kite

Since acupuncturist Gerad Kite fell into the area of fertility treatment by accident, he has spent more than 20 years helping couples to "create the right conditions in their systems" to conceive and carry a baby to full term.

Kite is a master of Five-Element Acupuncture, which differs from other styles of acupuncture. In Five-Element Acupuncture, symptoms are simply seen as alarm bells of distress and a welcome signal that we are being made aware that something is wrong.

Treat people, not symptoms
The ancient Chinese technique works on the theory that practitioners should treat people, not their symptoms.

Kite will be in Dublin this Friday to give a free public talk on his book, The Art of Baby Making .

Kite was working in private practice in London in the early 1990s when a woman in her early 40s came for hay fever relief, not mentioning that she been trying for a baby for years. Three sessions later, she was pregnant and she referred two other friends who also went on to conceive.


“They became my ‘marketing team’, telling everybody they knew and the word spread. A string of women coming with different symptoms all started to conceive.

“What was fascinating to me was that simply by getting somebody’s system to work properly, all kinds of changes were happening and people were getting benefits we had not expected.”

For further information on Five Element Acupuncture in Ireland or to contact a practitioner, email Declan Rothwell at or call 01-8330865. Gerad Kite will give a free public talk on his book The Art of Baby Making on Friday, February 28 at 7pm in the George Frederick Handel Hotel, Fishamble Street, Dublin 8.