A gluten-free galette that makes a great vegan option

Kitchen Cabinet: Add your favourite ingredients and accompaniments to this dish

This dish is simple to make and it is an all-family winner. It is a great vegan dish, and is also gluten free and really tasty.

I enjoy making this galette with Ballymakenny Farm heritage potatoes, either the Pink Fir Apple potatoes (which are white) or the Red Emmalie (which are pink).

I serve it with my home-grown mixed leaves and homemade savoury granola.

You can add your favourite ingredients and accompaniments as it is a very adaptable dish. I like to eat mine with goat’s cheese on top and a slice of artisan cured salami.


Philippe Farineau is executive chef at Ashford Castle, in Co Mayo

Potato galette

Serves two

700g Red Emmalie potatoes or Pink Fir Apple potatoes
1 Spanish onion, diced, about 100g
Coconut oil (or another oil if you prefer)
1 clove garlic
¼ tsp ground cumin
¼ tsp paprika
¼ tsp ground coriander
Pinch nutmeg
Chopped chilli (optional)
¼ bunch chopped chives

Coarsely grate the potato and season with salt and pepper.

2 Leave the grated seasoned potato aside for five minutes.

3 During this time, cook the onion gently with coconut oil, cumin, paprika, coriander and nutmeg.

4 After five minutes squeeze the water coming through the potato mixture, and remove all the liquid, this is important for the starch to stick together when you roast the galette.

5 When all the liquid has been squeezed out, add the chopped garlic, chopped chives and the roasted spiced onion and mix it well together.

6 Heat some coconut oil in a non-stick 20cm pan on a medium heat. Add the potato mixture. Press the potato hard enough to make the starches stick together and make a galette shape.

7 After five minutes turn the potato galette (it should be caramelised and crispy on the underneath side), add some more coconut oil and cook for five more minutes. If your pan is ovenproof place it in an oven heated to 180 degrees to finish cooking. If your pan is not ovenproof, slide the galette onto an oven tray. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes.

8 You may also add some butter during the oven cooking time, depending on your taste.