New York-based jeweller Mignonne “Maggie” Gavigan is known not just for her colourful, playful jewellery, but mostly for elaborate necklace scarves. These came about almost by accident when she was ripping a vintage dress apart for its jewelled embroidery and then fastened the piece around her neck with a safety pin. So many people asked for copies that the pieces became her trademark worn with jeans, T-shirts and sneakers.
Having trained in Parsons in Paris and New York, she spent 14 years working for multiple fashion houses before launching her own brand in 2014. Now her bold handmade couture jewellery – necklaces, earrings and bracelets – is sold in stores such as Anthropologie, Nieman Marcus, Bloomingdales and here in Ireland in Louise Stokes’s boutique Loulerie in Chatham Street, Dublin. Gavigan is coming to Ireland on June 14th for a private event in Dublin to showcase her new collection. In the meantime here is a sneak peak of her latest earrings now in Loulerie.
Soul silver

Star of Weir's new exhibition room in its lower ground floor is master engraver Brian Dunne whose Soul Engraver brand won the Best New Product Award at Showcase 2018. Soul Engraver is silver and gold jewellery "that comes from the heart and touches the soul", according to Dunne, a second generation master engraver who worked with Weirs for over a decade and whose hand-carved collection includes cufflinks, pendants and earrings in images that connect to the Irish landscape and heritage. The pendants, for instance, are a series of leaves from native Irish trees – oak, alder, hawthorn, poplar, willow, holly, rowan and elder – each capturing the meaning and with the first letter of its Gaelic name inscribed on the back of each piece. This piece, in 9ct gold €470, is from the Sacred Trees collection. In sterling silver it is €185. Visit