Most of us are familiar with two types of summer. The first is a summer where the sun shines every day, the weather is hot and dining al fresco is something that can be planned and enjoyed every evening. This version of summer requires a plane journey to another country.
The second version of summer is quite different and simply requires staying in Ireland. A typical day might begin cheerfully with warm sunshine, transition into driving rain by lunch before quickly reverting back to blue skies within 20 minutes. This will cause everyone to instantly strip off and complain that “it’s just too hot”. We need to be wise to this “hot day” lark, however; we cannot let complacency overcome us, as hailstones will probably occur that afternoon, just in time to flatten our freshly planted display of bedding plants.
Yes, Irish summer is not without its challenges, so here are some beauty fixes that can make it easier to bear.

Mow the lawn. Or not.
Hopefully the tide is turning and the pressure for women to feel they must remove every (or any) blade of hair from their bodies will eventually decline. Sporting unshaved legs and underarms is something I wholeheartedly support if that is what you prefer to do, but I also support the women who like to laser it all off, get waxed to within an inch of their lives and then stick crystals on it. Honestly, who cares what other people do? I believe, however, that most women are happy enough with a tidy-up, a quick trim and the reassurance that there are no spider legs sticking out of their bikini bottoms.
There is no perfect method of hair removal, and most of them are painful. Laser is not permanent, contrary to what you may have heard, and it is expensive, while hair-removal cream stinks. If you can’t bear any form of pain, then the trusty razor will be your weapon of choice, but you have to repeat the process frequently, so make sure you have a good weapon. Try men’s razors; they are not as wide as, say, Venus and its ilk but they are precision tools that work very well.
Epilation is one of the best and cheapest ways to remain hair-free at home: you invest once and do not need to pay for salon visits for waxing and so on. The Braun Silk Epil 7681 (€229) is one of the best out there, as it epilates and lifts even the shortest hairs, but yes, you'll need to grit your teeth and think of Ireland as it rips the hair out by the roots.
Epilation and waxing both cause ingrown hairs, so make sure you use a body scrub. L'Occitane Verbena Body Scrub (€31.50) is my all-time favourite, but a mix of sea salt and oil will do the job just as well. Add a salicylic acid wipe (try Bliss or Waxperts Ingrown Hair pads) to prevent hair getting trapped in the follicle and causing angry red bumps that will have to be dug out using tweezers. Should such an indignity happen, Tweezerman Ingrown Hair Tweezers (€21.50) will save you.
Another feature of the Irish summer is the steadily rising humidity, which hits its peak in July and August, spelling disaster for those of us whose hair is prone to frizz. Begin the battle to tame the monster right from the second you step in the shower with a super-strength anti-frizz shampoo and conditioner. I cannot be parted from Kerastase Oleo Relax (from €19) and L'Oréal Elvive Smooth-Intense Shampoo (€5.09) is also very good.
Top tip: the temptation to overdo it on serum is huge, but use a light touch and concentrate on the ends, choosing one with plenty of of silicone like Moroccan Oil or John Frieda Frizz Ease (€7.50). The temptation to marry a hairdresser might also be overwhelming but cool the jets and just put your hair up in a ponytail instead.
Lips and cheeks
I must have said this, oh, maybe a hundred times by now but the trend for cosmetics in crayon and twist-up fat stick format is one of the best things to happen to colour cosmetics. It removes fuss, which is exactly what we need in the summertime.
Almost every brand has copied the iconic Clinique Chubby Stick for lips; stand-outs include Revlon Just Bitten. Bronzing sticks can also make things easy and, as an added bonus, they will not shatter in your handbag. Try Estée Lauder Gelée Bronzer.
Shimmer eyes
High-shine eyes look gorgeous in summer. Although you can go all out with bold colours – teal is especially on-trend at the moment – lighter golds, champagnes, pinks and silvers all look super too. There is no need to be nervous about using metallics or high-shine colours on your eyes, no matter your age, as using them on the lids only will not enhance lines, and in fact will open up and brighten your eyes. Maybelline Colour Tattoo, Armani Eye Tint €32, are smooth and silky and will not budge. Clinique Chubby Stick Shadow Tint for Eyes (€20) provides a light wash of colour.
Irish brands make a good showing on the tan front. The front-runner at the moment is Cocoa Brown. Choose the original One Hour Tanning Mousse (€7.99) because it is easy to apply and will not turn you orange; it has even turned up in one of Kendall Jenner's selfies as her tan of choice.
TanOrganic (€19.99) is another Irish tan brand with a difference; it is a lighter oil available in varieties to suit paler or darker skin tones, provides a natural-looking colour and nourishes skin.
If your skin is very pale, a gradual tan will suit you best, as there is less opportunity to make streaky errors. An even better option is to turn your regular body lotion into a bespoke tanning product by adding a couple of drops of Clarins Radiance Plus Golden Glow Booster for body (€36) .
Waterproof mascara
Humidity and sweat can cause regular mascara to "melt", and it makes wearing it on your lower lashes risky. One of the best waterproof mascaras is Lancôme Hypnôse (€27.50) while Max Factor 2000 Calorie Waterproof Mascara (€9.99) is a solid budget choice.
Top tip: Bobbi Brown No Smudge Mascara (above, €25) is waterproof, and, when swiped over any other regular mascara, it makes it waterproof too. Magic.
A nice cardigan
Along with a brolly in the handbag, a cardie is a must during Irish summer. Have a few colours and versions in your selection; long cardigans are a necessity for those evenings around the barbecue when the only person who is not about to freeze to death is the one hogging the patio heater.
Top tip: Be the one hogging the patio heater.
Sun screen
A high SPF is the most important addition to your summer beauty bag. When the sun is out, you will need at least an SPF30. When abroad, or if particularly pale-skinned, plump for an SPF50 and use plenty. Tests have proven that there is absolutely no difference between expensive and budget suncreens, and Which? magazine has approved the Aldi, Soltan and Garnier Ambre Solaire brands, giving us absolutely no excuse not to slather on as much as possible. Use a dedicated facial product for your face: body creams are too thick. If you have very sensitive skin, Avene and Skinceuticals have excellent creams that won't sting your eyes.
Darker foundation
Even if you wear sunblock every day, most people need to change their foundation shade during the summer. If you normally wear expensive foundation, an option is to buy a dark shade in a budget brand and mix a tiny bit in with your regular base.
Top tip: Or do what I do and root out that bottle you bought in the glaring fluorescent lights of a department store without realising it was meant for a different ethnicity, and mix that in instead.
Blotting paper
Dampen down shine without disturbing your make-up and blot with Boots Skin Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets (€4.99), or if you're feeling fancy Bobbi Brown blotting papers (above, €24).
Even if you do not normally use primer, you will find it very helpful for keeping your make-up in place during humid weather. Smashbox is the king of foundations and L'Oréal Infallible (€12.30) is a very decent primer too.
Fluid foundation
A lot of us like to wear a base in a lighter texture during the summer, and this is where the alphabet creams (BB, CC and so on) should make things easy for us. But they do not. Some have the consistency of the thickest foundations, while others provide barely any coverage. Good light choices are Nars Sheer Glow, YSL CC, Estée Lauder EE and any of the water-based foundations such as Smashbox Healthy FX or Isadora Nude Sensation Fluid Foundation (€23).
Twitter @aismcdermott